====AWS for the 2016 Bootcamp==== Throughout this course we'll be connecting to some computers in the cloud. Here's how to connect to them and login. First, you will need to download a certificate on to your lab machine. Ask James for the key. Save this somewhere you can find it again - for example, to the Downloads directory or to the Desktop. ---- Next, 1. Open X2Go Client 2. Session-> New Session Host: Find your last name in the list below and use the associated DNS Login: your last name in lowercase RSA/DSA key: the full path of the bootcamp.pem file you downloaded Session type: XFCE 3. Click on the session you just made. X2Go will ask for a password, which Kara will give you (you will change this soon!) Hosts: bootcamp1: Stuber, Stromecki ec2-54-152-129-52.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp2: Adler, Borusinski ec2-54-205-34-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp3: Collins, Cosby ec2-52-23-249-37.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp4: Draper, Gilligan ec2-54-167-117-112.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp5: Grubb, Hooper ec2-54-172-93-205.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp6: McDaniel, Meyer ec2-54-166-176-103.compute-1.amazonaws.com bootcamp7: Sethi, Skinner ec2-52-87-163-244.compute-1.amazonaws.com