Table of Contents

High Performance Computing and Best Practices


HPC Vs. Single Processors

Serial Computing - Instructions run one at a time:

Parallel Computing - Problem is split into multiple problems, each problem can be run concurrently (at the same time) on multiple processors

Need for HPC

Time - Parallel computing can solve problems faster

Cost - Parallel computing can be accomplished with cheap hardware and the time savings can lead to cost savings

Larger Problems - Complex problems like climate change, traffic, website transactions, and plasma physics can be infeasible with serial computing and are better suited to parallel computing

Concepts and Terminology

HPC - High Performance Computing, solving big problems with big computing power

Cluster - A group of computers working together

Node - A single computer, many nodes join together to form a cluster

Core/CPU - A processing unit

Job - A problem or program to be run

Parallel Overhead - Extra time needed to setup and coordinate a parallel job: synchronizing, data exchange, start-up/termination, etc

Scalability - Ability of a system to handle more work or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate more work

Limits and Cost

$Speedup = \frac{1}{(P/N)+S}$

P = parallel fraction, N = number of processors, S = serial fraction

Development cost of parallel programming is higher.

Memory Architectures

Batch Processing

Batch Processing and Shared Resources

The need for shared resources

Our Cluster


Sunway TaihuLight

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Batch Processing Management

With multiple users wishing to access computing resources, we need a way to manage who gets to use what resources and when they can do so.

Some Resource Managers:

Using HPC Resources at WSI

Accessing Resources via SSH

In the office:

$ ssh user@control

Launching and Managing Your Jobs

Using Torque (NERSC)

Using Slurm

Version Control

Often multiple programmers will be working on a codebase simultaneously. Alice may want to work on the code but Bob does too. If they both make changes to a file without telling each other, changes might get lost. Using a version control system ensures that Alice and Bob can work on the code together without undoing each-others work or breaking the code.

Commonly used Version Control Systems

Github SVN

HPC Best Practices