This is an old revision of the document!
−Table of Contents
The method for getting NIMROD running at NERSC has changed slightly as the default version of some modules on NERSC have changed. This wiki will give instructions to help set up the most recent version of nimdevel and include some tips to help compile older versions of NIMROD
Accessing the newest version of nimdevel
The newest version of nimdevel can be accessed using the following command:
svn co --username <username> nimall
The user will then be asked to enter their password. This will check out the nimall trunk which contains the source code for the newest version of nimdevel as well as the dependent packages.
If only the source code for the newest version of nimdevel is needed (no dependent packages) then the following command may also be used:
svn co --username <username> nimdevel
Compiling the newest version of NIMDEVEL at NERSC
To compile the code at NERSC some modules are required. Every user will have some of the necessary modules already loaded as the default when logging in but some extra modules are necessary. It may be convenient to create a script that can be run to load the necessary modules. An example script that loads the necessary modules is shown below:
#!/bin/sh module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu module load gcc/11.2.0 module load cray-petsc/ module load alps/6.6.67- module load cray-hdf5-parallel/ module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/ module load python echo ' Nimrod modules loaded'
The above script will load the correct versions of the modules needed and echo 'Nimrod modules loaded' when complete. To run this script use the command:
. <script name>